Braces Pros and Cons

Having braces for a cause I had my lower braces for more than three years, the reason is to fix my lower teeth as I lose both lower sharp side teeth since I was in high school, I didn't think before that it is important to have a strong, healthy and white teeth without losing any of it. As the years go by, my teeth start to spread and have a gap in each corner this affect my way of speaking as the air when I talk comings out (or shower some saliva disgusting and shamed right...) through the gaps that caused to missed pronouncing words that I speak; for example, my T or F sounds S and my R sounds like L. I felt embarrassed when talk to other people. Family and friends could understand, however, meeting new people is embarrassing for me to talk and to see my teeth like that. It is uncomfortable for me, as when I talk it destruct the person and sometimes it made them laugh at me. I was thinking that since I am a tourism student I should ...