Braces Pros and Cons

Having braces for a cause

I had my lower braces for more than three years, the reason is to fix my lower teeth as I lose both lower sharp side teeth since I was in high school, I didn't think before that it is important to have a strong, healthy and white teeth without losing any of it. 

As the years go by, my teeth start to spread and have a gap in each corner this affect my way of speaking as the air when I talk comings out (or shower some saliva disgusting and shamed right...) through the gaps that caused to missed pronouncing words that I speak; for example, my T or F sounds S and my R sounds like L. 

I felt embarrassed when talk to other people. Family and friends could understand, however, meeting new people is embarrassing for me to talk and to see my teeth like that. It is uncomfortable for me, as when I talk it destruct the person and sometimes it made them laugh at me. I was thinking that since I am a tourism student I should fix my teeth for me to improve.

Braces on

I arrived UAE, the problem is I had my lower braces; I went here in such a limited preparation time so I couldn't get a referral from my dentist back home. I was thinking about how I can adjust my braces it's been a few months ago worried about what I am going to do. 

inquire some clinic suddenly they don't want to accept adjustment of my lower braces continuously, however, they said unless they have to take all off and install a new one just like back to basic. 

I haven't decided so in the meantime I took out the rubber and the wire myself as I feel uncomfortable and it causes bad odour when the rubber of the braces could not change for a few months I feel disappointed as my teeth go back to its position and have a gap again.

I've searched for a clinic and one of my close friends of mine advised to go to that clinic. So I start to inquire and agreed to take out my old brackets and put on new braces and re-affix my teeth again, He recommends me to put both upper and lower braces as he has to follow the line of my teeth bone to re-affix both upper and lower. 

I schedule X-ray, my the dentist made a model of my teeth the model is like white cement that they mould on your teeth but I think my dentist used blue one the regular model made of white cement but mine was blue. They schedule when they put the braces on they can’t put all in one go I don't know maybe time-consuming and there are more clients they have (by the way I notice that I was the only Filipino client they have most of their client are European and locals so I guess they are very professional and it cost much).

I was excited and happy to put back on my braces. When that day came, my dentist clean up my teeth he put a mouth widening so that he could easily manage the procedure. He put some blue cream that tastes like super sour and installed all the stuff on my teeth, the bracket which is the main stuff that they stick on each tooth, a wire is a stuff that could connect the bracket and the rubber which is needed as adjustment tools. I was bit fine when the procedure is ongoing but when it’s done it start the pain extremely pain that made myself think twice if I still want to continue for next month (of course I continued the process).

The first month of my Braces and how to take care of my teeth while on braces!

I couldn't eat properly at  the first month, I avoid beef steak, red apple and anything hard that will break the bracket and could dis-align position of the braces (for those who love chewing gum I guess it affects them an arrangement of the teeth so I suggest to avoid it when your braces are newly installed)

I could feel sometime that it’s like, hmm... you know, my teeth are moving and kind of anytime I bite food it might take all off (seriously).

I have to book an appointment once a month so that the dentist could monitor the movement of the teeth and adjust. It will only take not more than 20 - 30 minutes to change all rubbers then you could leave the clinic. 

What makes me more excited aside from my teeth is getting better but also the fancy colour of my braces rubber. (As I said the rubber is the tools to readjust and make the bracket tighter).

Okay... taking care of your teeth while on braces are bit lazy thing to do but you have to do it anyway no matter what happens. 

You need a soft toothbrush not medium or hard brush it should be soft, you could check on the level of the packaging. Also, need very tiny brushes called spiral dental brush use for every corner of the brackets. 

Clean the mouth after having any food is a must, do it regularly and make sure there is no food stuff on each corner of the braces, use the spiral dental brush to reach each corner the bracket, You should have brush and mouth wash with you every time leaving home travel or any activities outside the home.

The most important always ask your dentist to provide you with a wax kit it is the one we put on the bracket to protect inside of the mouth skin from having mouth ulcer cause of the friction of the braces when biting or moving the mouth especially when it’s newly adjust.

Braces single rubber called ligature, the basic rubber that supports wire.

Another kind of braces rubber called power chain, it will tighten more the space of the teeth and support the wire.

Dental Wax looks like

How to use Dental Wax

Very tiny spiral dental brushes it comes in different sizes
 (the dentist will advise you what size you could use)

Choose a soft toothbrush that gently brushes your teeth


In my case, I notice some dramatic change like it shape my jaw I had round shaped face before but I notice that it change from rounded to V-shaped jawline ( it might be because of teeth bone movement and closure movement).

More than two years from now having my up and down braces. I could see the difference I am much confident to talk I always smile and people like it they say that I have the cutest smile and feel flatered.

I could speak a little a bit faster now without hesitation to miss pronounce words (or shower some liquid from my mouth).

I am still wearing my braces until now but as soon as they take it off it is recommended to wear a retainer so that the teeth will stay on its position until it used to it.

Smile is one of the prettiest things that we could share; if you smile to people they will enlighten their mood. Remember, smile purely on the heart could make you more beautiful and stunning!

First month newly installed upper and lower braces, after my two years lower braces see the gap of my lower teeth aside from that I also have space on both sides.


After 6 months see the difference!

After One-year frontal gap closed already but I still have a gap on both sides which my sharp tooth located in this case my dentist has to adjust my bite as my lower teeth go in.

A year and a few months later still adjusting my bite the shape of my jaw is changing.

After two years I am happy with the result and still improving,  wearing the power chain nowadays.

Thank you for taking your time reading my blog, I hope you inspired! Smile beautiful and kind people take care!!


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