Germany Travel Blog First Europe Trip

HALLO DEUTSCHLAND ! HELLO, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! Joanna is here signing in again... I am so excited to share with you guys about my travel experience to Europe :) Besides that, in this blog, I will also give some tips and ideas that could help you plan a trip not only in Europe but it will be useful for any place you want to travel. A SHORT STORY OF MINE When I was in college one of my instructor in tourism management give us a task. It was an individual task to draw dream destinations and provide a demo session to the entire class. I took it seriously, at that time I was thinking there was no limitation to dream my most favourite destination so I am free to express myself and choose my dream destination. I drew Hong Kong Disney land as my 2 nd and Paris Eiffel tower as the 1 st dream travel destination. I remember one of my classmates said that I am imagining impossible things because most of t...