Smooth and Shinny Long Hair (Natural Effective Home Remedy Hair Mask)

Hi beautiful and kind people, it's me, Joanna!

I want to share what I had discovered, I am sure that it will help for each of you guys especially for hair conscious like me. 

I’ve always done an experiment or research about something that would help me in my daily life. I had seen an interesting thing when I tried it on and it works on me when the first time I tried. 

Natural Effective Home Remedy Hair Mask 

How to achieve smooth and shiny long hair?

I am sure most the girls want to take care of their hair but we don’t have budget or no time to go to saloon.

I used to do every week since I find out that it really works for my hair. I have been doing it for a few months then the effect is so really nice, the process is so easy and very natural.

So.... if you want to know my secrets then continue reading. 

Here is the procedure guys on how to achieve long, smooth and shiny hair like mine.

You need to have the following ingredients which you could find only at your home and me also included the other things you need to complete the process.

You need castor and olive oil.

Storing bottle 

Step 1 

Fill half of the bottle with Castor oil and the rest space of the bottle fills with Olive oil (you could also use coconut oil as an alternative of olive oil) cover the bottle and shake it well. I suggest using the biggest storing bottle so you could keep it and it can be used for your next hair mask treatment.

Now that you have the mixed oils leave it for the meanwhile and proceed to the next step.
You need two pieces of super ripe banana. There are many types of bananas but you need the normal one like what I show on the picture and the more black spot on it the more effective (so don't throw those bananas which you can't eat you can use it for many things).

You also, need a small plastic container box with cover and a fork to smash the banana.

Step 2

Peel off the banana and put it on the plastic container and smash it using the fork until it becomes a paste ( use two banana for long hair or depending on how long or how short it is)   this will be the main ingredient for a hair mask. Make sure that you smash the ingredient well or else it will stick on your hair and it’s difficult to wash it off. 

The ripe banana will give moisture to your hair and absorb the vitamins which the banana has it can help the root of your hair to be healthy. 

Olive Oil will help balance the moisture of the scalp to prevent dandruff and the Castor oil can help your hair grow fast and it also highlights the natural colour of your hair. 

After that put two spoons of oil that you made (Castor and Olive Oil) mix it well. Cover the hair mask and leave it for a few minutes.

The mixture will look like as shown in the picture. Now you made a pure natural a banana hair mask that will give smooth, shine and healthy hair.

Step 3

In this step you'll need a temporary shower cup and gloves (I guess it will be convenient using a clean plastic bag so that you could throw it away after use)

Wear the gloves and apply the mixture mask onto your hair. Start massaging from the scalp down to the tip of the hair, focus on the tip because this area is the driest part of the hair. Massage it all over cover it with a shower cap and leave it for one hour.

Step 4

After one hour washes your hair with your favourite shampoo. Raise it off until you feel it clean already apply your conditioner and leave it for few seconds ( what I usually do is I also take a bath so I make sure that I clean my head all over). Wash it again and dry your hair with a clean towel.

Step 5

The final step hair blow drying. Flip your hair downwards and allow your hair to hang and start blow drying face the blower downwards. Use your fingers to comb the hair to avoid hair falls and afterwards use a hairbrush, continue blow drying. 

I use this kind of brush as it will comb the tangled hair without hurting your head and avoiding hair fall.

When you’re done you can feel the softness flow of your hair and you can notice the natural shine effect the smell is not bad as like banana extract smells relaxing.

Continue doing the the process once a week and you can see the difference.

If you have any question you could email me or just give a comment and I will try my best to respond as soon as I can. 

Thank you and have a wonderful life beautiful and kind people see you in my next blog!


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